Growth Toward Eternity

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Got Anxiety?

Got Anxiety?  Sometimes we wake up with a sense of anxiety with all the things that need to be done.  Or maybe a project, event, or person brings anxiety to your life.  Perhaps you have to make a decision and don't know what to do and this causes you to feel restless or anxious. 

With a little turn to God, and a little faith in scripture, Philippians 4 has some exhortations and application to help with that anxiety.  Unfortunately, sometimes we just get too caught up in the problem and don't take the time to stop... breath... close eyes, focus on Jesus, and turn to him while imagining setting all the "stuff" down at his feet. 

Philippians 4 is powerful, especially if read often and asking God to help with whatever is troubling, but first try looking to him and praising him in a way that is special to you.  It may take practice, as fighting anxiety is a process.  Paul writes this letter to the Philippians sharing his strength and joy found in Christ.  God can guard your thoughts, your mind in Christ Jesus.  Paul tells us we can replace our anxiety levels by surrendering to God through prayer.  Focusing on God's ability.  Anything is a peace of cake if he is in agreement, and your prayers are answered if according to his will for you in the right time, and he does not want us to fear or have anxiety. 

A deep calmness, that surpasses all understanding, can be found by his promise to us in scripture, anytime, anywhere, regarding anything.  We do have to focus on HIM, and not our own limited resources, our weaknesses will become strengths through him.  So what to do???  Get rid of the uneasy, restless, fearful, anxiety.  Practice, trust in his word, and looking to him first for everything, focusing on his power and good things, will bring PEACE.  Talk to him, tell him you need him.

FOR THE BIBLE READING, using a NIV bible, I will type the quote.  Over time, I promise, HE promises, your anxiety and fears can be changed in moments with the application of scripture and faith that he wants you to have peace.  Let him know how thankful you are for everything he has done.  Never forget, focus on gratitude changes the focus of the mind to healthy things as stated in the scriptures.  And the word of God, is forever, true, and a basis of a healthy walk in life with a God who loves you so much.  Read all of the chapter if you can.  Whatever you don't understand, ask him to show you...He will!

Let me know if this is helpful or if you have any comments, questions, anything... prayer requests are welcome always.  Thank you for being willing to invest your time into facing fears and anxiety head on with God's assistance and just one way to find peace. 

When you read this, think carefully about each sentence and what it is saying to you.  Come back to the scripture again and study it.  Memorize it in your mind to call upon. 

Philippeans 4:4-8, NIV~ (I also like the New American Standard [NAS] which is another version of the scripture you may want to try).
"Rejoice in the Lord always.  I will say it again:  Rejoice!  Let your gentleness be evident to all.  The Lord is near.  Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.  Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me - put into practice.  And the God of peace will be with you."

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Why Biblical Stories Are Important to My Beliefs and Testimony

This is in reference to a blog response from John P. and previous comments on Mike Messerli’s blog “Finishing Well”:  I'll attempt to add a link to Mike's blog soon as I am still new at all this...

John P: "Christianity is emphasizing the wrong thing when it makes its stand on the historicity of biblical stories. The emphasis should be on the living God and his interaction with me in the present. The bible stories are secondary and only serve to get me into this relationship and add color to it.”

It is me, (Michell) Hi there, I wanted to share some thoughts and testimony on some of what you said John, and I’d love to hear back from you. I agree emphasis should be on the Living God, but not with “his” interaction with me but rather our relationship based first out a heart of worship, gratitude, and service. I am sharing my heart and some of my testimony to how the bible, stories and all have played a huge part of who I am today and in what I believe and know as truth. Some of the thoughts and interaction here may NOT have anything to do with what you meant in your comment listed above.

I have experienced change over time as my relationship with God deepens, as I understand more about Christ, through the word, and how I am to live my life for him. Without all of the word, and many others I know feel this way, we would be lost, empty, and unconnected to the truth, and unsure about the living God; lacking comfort, instruction, understanding, wisdom, strength, peace, ability to love, heal, and so much more. Try to bear with me because I have a lot to share and am interested in your thoughts as well John, Mike, anyone.

Please excuse mistakes in grammar, context, redundancy, spelling, etc. as I am typing fast. I sat down a couple times and have not yet organized all the thoughts, but wanted to share when I saw your post. Them time flew by, and I wrote some more and still did not organize as much as I would have liked. But I would love to hear your thoughts…

To me, biblical stories are all there for a reason. I did not know the reasons in the beginning of building my relationship with Christ. But people told me to read, and in faith and obedience I did. I read the whole New Testament initially in a couple days after accepting Christ as the only way. The stories and the way Christ interacted, taught, led, healed, and all the situations are majorly important. They give validity to the fact the bible is the inspired word of god, written at all different times but fulfilling prophecy, edifying, ministering to, and changing me for the better. God and his interaction with me in the present is something I cherish, but it could not have been solidified and known as the truth without the Old Testament and New Testament in their entirety. It all depends on your definition of whether the bible is truth or not. Partly, wholly? It seems you have an understanding of the word (?). I believe it to be true.

Have you read it cover to cover, has it impacted your life and how, when? Why? Some answers might be a timid no, no, a loud NO, a yes, a definite yes. I know I can answer in a way that shows the Bible to be the one and only inspired word of God through people who through time consistently wrote the same things, prophecy, and suffered, endured, and have a name & example to follow because of the living God. As it relates to me personally, my history, present, and future, believing the bible is all intertwined with listening to God, faith, & experiencing his unconditional love and promises (all true), his faithfulness, might & power, gentleness and wrath, etc. I could never have dreamed to be in a place spiritually with heart healing, a path to follow with light & a hope and a future, a rich heart and grateful spirit, able to make decisions, use the gifts he has chosen to bestow on me; learning from examples and instruction in the bible and in talking with others is important. All this and more is because of the Bible and my willingness to surrender to his ultimate will for my life. I didn’t understand all this for some time, but prayed for understanding, wisdom, knowledge, and truth. He was faithful to answer and still is faithful to guide me straight on the ordained path I choose to follow.

The one, and only, to me as per my experience and very personal relationship with the Lord, through reading scripture, and God showing me truth through personal experiences, a personal relationship, and absolutely no false, no lies, no doubt, have found HIS word to be true. The parts that are the gospel, ‘mystery of Christ’ or revelations, I dig into because I know when I have done this in the past with eagerness to learn, God has revealed to me how things work and what is important in life here and in eternity, as well as past examples. There are so many people in the bible, with their stories, which God made into new creatures and he should get the glory for every little thing that is good in my life, as well as yours. Every good gift comes from above. How could I ever ‘stand’ on the word and wait on the Lord for strength renewed for example, if I did not read the word and the word become alive in me and my life, guiding and strengthening as well as all the other promises that apply to all of us now, not just back then, as the word states. Thank goodness I can know truth from lies and deception/counterfeit if I empty self and glorify HIM, seeking truth and his wisdom. Sometimes I wait on him a long time and learn along the way with or without answers, he promises to reward and actually asks us to please him by doing seeking, especially by faith.

I do believe the whole bible is the true inspired word of God. We are supposed to test things, know that false people will rise up in the last days to deceive and the enemy lurks around to destroy peoples' lives. A wide path of destruction exists, where veils over the truth are allowed and hearts are hardened. I am secure only with him, as god tells me to discern, helps me to do so, and always comes through to be true to his word. Always. I believe it will stand the test of time and has, because God said it through his word. What hope, character, perseverance, and meaning that brings to me? So much. In my eyes, as it says it will. Each time I read the bible, it allows God to say something deeper, the stories have deeper application, and my life is evolving into something I never thought it could. This is testimony that cannot be received by others unless God allows, and He is willing. I pray you may see how important the stories and parables, people, lives, challenges, and so much more are to bringing a true God focused life to people like you and me.

I believe all that has occurred in my life, faith, growth in the word, transpiring into a living being, a promised new creation, little by little or sometimes quickly, hopefully full of fruit of the spirit (the promise of my inheritance in heaven, in Christ, my power to do as the Lord wants, my counsel, healer, love, guider, etc. and (love, joy, peace, kindness, gentleness, patience, goodness, self-control, faithfulness); things not of me and my flesh~ this is the manifestation of God's word, living and breathing able to penetrate marrow and know the hearts of all men and women, yours and mine. Nothing is impossible for God. How would I know this if I didn’t study the Bible’s stories, truth and application? It’s a piece of cake for him to heal me of physical ailments if HE chooses. Do I turn my back on him because he has not? Or do I choose to follow examples of biblical stories, real people, who lived a life for God no matter what.

I have found all this and more to be the truth, as I have asked the questions, been answered, in spirit and truth by God and through his word. I will always ask and he will be there, his word said it and it’s always true. Mixed in the bible, the people and stories, experiences, I learned about God before Christ died on the cross to bear our sins, his character, heart, purposes, but all mingled in stories. Without the stories, it doesn’t stand or make sense. Believe me when I say God can take away, he can leave you with nothing if it means it is most important for you to learn from him, know he is in charge, wants to be first praised and worshiped and all else will be taken care of if we try and do our part in seeking first his kingdom and righteousness through Jesus our Lord. It is by grace he saves and by grace he may take away… and this is for anyone, anytime. This includes taking your mind, your body, people, things, anything you take for granted, things put in place of him (including beliefs that do not line up with his truth in the word), and he will let us know as he did in the stories and happenings through the bible. He is patient, but we do not know the hour he will come, the moment. I feel it is imperative, to be ready, blameless, and stories in the bible help me understand this.

He does want his word known, for us all to depend on him as a real father, as if nothing is more important, not even our own beliefs. But then, what is more important and how do I know? His word. He is the author of my faith, as promised in his word. His examples of people and their faith, in his word, matter to my sanctification, being set apart, my justification through Christ’s death for my sin and the world’s sin, just as if I never sinned, it matters. It all matters tremendously for those who have eyes to see and perceive, willingness… and ears to hear and understand, willingness… faith in what cannot be seen but hope in what is promised is the a way to build faith. Ask for faith, truth, step out and accept that He is the only way to the Father to present you pure as snow… sinless through Him and his bloodshed. This is the only way to spend eternity and avoid being tainted by this world for me. And all this experience is derived from a relationship built on a foundation that cannot be shaken as long as he is first in all things. The grass will wither, but his word stands forever. My body will give out, but I will live with him forever, the bible tells me exactly how things will be, leaving enough out for wonder and excitement. I have learned who he is through my life, but without the word and its entirety, I would never have the faith he has built in my life. I would not have anything, as he speaks to me through the word, through others, through impressions that with time are trusted as I know they are true and ‘line up’ with the word of God. No one can take that away. I will continue to read, grow, learn, and build faith, transform into more of the likeness of Christ until I am face to face. I need the stories, the word, it is food for my soul, quenches my thirst. I am down and oppressed without its hope, truth, guidance, teaching and promises for which to stand upon when I have nothing else. I love to see him glorified because I believed and was obedient. I love to glorify him for who he is and was and is yet to come. I am more than a conqueror, I am loved, accepted, and know without the full word of God, I would not know which way to go, who to trust, how to live my life fully. I would not know the wonders of my future with him in a new place, and I would be a different person, without the wonderful bible stories. I have so many favorites for so many different reasons.

I have a story. I am not some fanatic, although if I chose to be, that is ok with me if it means I am upright, following God, learning and seeking to be more like Christ, to understand mysteries, be hidden in Him and clothed in His righteousness, humble and empty without him, for without the word and him, I am nothing. All I want is to spread his word, truth, all of it. It is a gift of grace I received. Grace no one can take away, available for anyone who will receive Him into their heart in faith and believe He is the one and only way to boldly approach the Father and live forever in eternity by confession of sin and acceptance of Grace. I never understood real grace due to the way I was brought up legalistically, until I really understood some of what he was trying to say to me personally in life and through his word, just one way he is personal with me (even in impressing me to go to certain scripture to edify me, make me at peace or whatever it may be).

Without the real biblical truth, for me, not mythology at all, perfectly inspired by Him and told carefully, as it once was a long time ago, with much true prophesy and His teachings about the truth, I would probably be dead, deceived and miserable or fooled and on the wrong path. I'd be living in the flesh, living in sin, living as a person without Christ, empty, without the word and Jesus, the only way to the Father. I could have killed myself thinking I had another life, another chance to make it right. I could have been miserably messed up theologically or not believed in God at all. I would not know who he is and who he wants us to be and why, without the whole bible and its truth.

Testimony of my truth, the biblical and personal truth, in faith, watching Him orchestrate my wonderful God led life through His word, does not lie or deceive. To me, it is a gift, life to my bones... it is real, and cannot be taken away from me. Nor would I give it for anything else, no matter how hard the walk has been at times or how hard it gets even still. Why would I not abandon the 'word' if it were not truth made manifest in my life through good and bad over many years? I challenge things. I don't just sit back and believe anything; now I compare it to what God has to say about it in his word. That's all the truth I need now, although I had my thoughts and opinions at an earlier part of my life. He has softened my heart, healed my wounds and helps me through a very difficult life still. All I did was pray for truth and really remained receptive, & he orchestrated incidences that lead me to the truth long ago and still. I now have the power of God’s spirit living in me, the same spirit’s power that raised Christ from the dead. I abide in Him and He abides in me.

I learn more and more from the Bible, truth, people in the bible, how it applies to my situations, other’s circumstances, purpose of life, how to live with peace and joy no matter what disaster, trial, test, or tribulation surrounds me. His full word equips me with the power to stomp on scorpions and snakes and declare, “Every knee will bow, every tongue will confess” that Jesus Christ is Lord. The battle is won no matter if it is believed or not. It is done. By the One who is the first, last, Alpha, Omega, and believe me when I say that He will have HIS way, and the devil, enemy, will try his hardest to keep truth from people, as he is the great deceiver. But he loses. The war has already been won. Nothing can separate me from HIS will for my life and yours, if you are truly willing to know the truth. Because I have believed, he has set me free. He wants all to come to Him and believe in faith, accept his Word as living, active, a double edge sword penetrating and knowing all hearts. He knows us from every tear dropped, every hair on our head. He knitted us in our mother’s wombs. I could complain a lot about what I had to overcome because of that, but instead I chose to have faith, grow, learn, heal, overcome… I can still choose by flesh to think fleshly, treat others with disrespect, hold on to bitterness that destroys one’s heart, but because of his word of direction, truth, the rock of my foundation, I know better. It leads to destruction. What? The things I have learned in the word. I know how to live a Christian life and please him, say no to self, and can glorify him as he gives me power to do his will when I don’t feel like it. The emphasis on people in the bible, what they experienced with him, apart and with him, how to live and love, choices to make, oh my, I can’t list all the things the word is teaching me now. It is alive, as he is. It is real, as he is. His plan for humanity and life and death, from before the heavens and earth were formed, he had a way to save us from sins power. What a story that is! The bible. His word.

He promises so many sweet things to those who believe. But the most important thing is worshiping, accepting, and admonishing His majesty. And you cannot do that fully ongoing unless you accept the word of God in its entirety, even if you don’t understand why, who, where, what. By faith, the answers will be revealed through a personal walk with Him, here and in eternity. Eternity without Him is not going to be anything but regret, gnashing of teeth, pure Hell. Unfortunately, people do like to make their truth into what is comfortable for them. This is for a cost. They don’t want to accept, respect, that the one and only true Holy God is in charge and will hold each of us accountable for what we choose to do here on earth, as per His word. This is my experience, strength, hope, as HE has built my character and built my perseverance. His word is sure, I guarantee you. Every story, every word, verse, every person, is important for some reason. Fire burns away all the rubble and removes impurities. He wants us to be like Christ. The only way to be clothed in Christ, growing in a relationship with Him, with His Spirit abiding in us as a promise to our future inheritance with Him forever with purpose, no tears, no suffering, no pain, is to surrender to His will and plan for our lives by faith.

I know, because of the word and experience, his guidance, truth, and protection by knowing and claiming the scripture, through examples in the word I need to know now, there are battles right now going on in the principalities. The place most don’t think about or see, wars going on for your salvation, as the world prophesies come to head, and the wide road is full of people who are lost, rebellious, or choose not to see/hear truth, or just waiting to be harvested and saved and brought into His kingdom forever. Because of his word, I know not to become weary, to press on and claim his word when I know my earthy mind and body may fail, give in to temptation to be negative or stay down when the enemy is allowed to affect us. God wants us to know his word, learn how to protect ourselves with his power and ways, all described and taught in the bible. The road is small; the Highway to Heaven is not to be joked about. It is real. Nothing can separate those who seek his kingdom, truth, face, heart, reality, through prayer, others, scripture… nothing will separate they who believe in His sacrifice for us from His unfailing, gracious, precious, tender love and authority. For without Love, no work is important. I cannot love unless I focus on He who loved me first. He that does not love really doesn’t know God, for God is love (1 John 4:8). I just have to believe and trust, as this world will pass away. He is in charge, and I love Him and his truth, his word, and every gift bestowed, undeserved. I love him dearly in the present, as a living god with full emphasis on his word and all it means and stands for, forever.

Maybe you are being called to open to truth you have not discovered, wisdom unfound, love that melts away lies of the enemy. A destroyer exists, he who attempts to thwart God’s plan, love, and truth to every person from God. But only God will allow it, and only God can give grace. He will set free those who serve Him, know Him, love Him, and give truths you will never know unless you choose to believe in faith in the entirety of His Word and Jesus Christ. Most people that do not know the word, or care to read the bible at all, in the body of Christ, are not very joyful. They seem beaten down, or they seem as if they can do it all on their own with a personal relationship and righteousness that may not be of Him. You don’t have to know anything or everything about the word now to receive Christ as a savior bearing the sin of all for us giving grace and mercy to all. But as a child, one can come willingly to the cross and confess that they are a sinner just like everyone from Adam and Eve and the fall of the Garden of Eden to now. The only way to the father is through Jesus per God’s word, who came to earth as a man, perfect, setting NOT an example of harsh judgment, but of healing, love, and how we can act, as well as become born again, receive grace and have faith, truth, power, all to infinitely glorify our Father who loves us. Accepting His death on the cross as a payment for our sins by faith, not being able to know and see everything and have all the answers accept for one thing, faith that Christ did die on the cross as the bible says, and confession we are sinners and need a savior.

Beginning a walk, a personal relationship with the one and only that can quench the spiritual thirst of all, Jesus Christ. Everything else will fall into place as one studies the Word, fellowships with other believers, and puts to rest the need to make a future that doesn’t exist based on what they know to be true verses believing by faith they can be seated at the right hand of God glorifying Him, praising Him, loving and being loved by Him, forever, with purpose, devotion, and a foundation of faith and grace no one will shake.

I thank God for His Word, his ways, his love, that he chose us, to receive his grace when no one on the earth can be perfect without Christ before God. We sure can follow his example in the bible, the stories that show not all the wonderful servants were perfect, but they were used, loved, accepted unconditionally, and now share an inheritance forever with the one every knee WILL bow and every tongue confess, is LORD. No other than LORD the one and only LORD. I bow to this. How mighty and wonderful. What can man do to us with God on our side? You are going to need this unconditional, unfailing love, for the future moment is uncertain. Just pray for ultimate truth and I’ll also pray that you receive it if you have not already been moved by God in your heart to receive the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. The fervent prayer of a righteous person is both effective and powerful, I know from His word and experience in having faith in that word. So I know His will is to be done in yours and my life.

Thank you so much for reading, listening, caring enough to read this far, if you have. I love the LORD with all my heart. I am an open vessel empty shell without His direction, power, and truth. I seek to know his wisdom and truth that I may pray for others, lead them in a path of light of truth that moves forward no matter what obstacle may try and come. I learned from the bible what is important, what saves, what destroys, and what he will and will not accept. Everything matters, and everyone matters to God. Life everlasting matters to Him. He desires all to come and be saved. So many had pure hearts for him in the Old Testament when the Law was so crucially followed, before his plan of redemption through the blood of Christ. How can I remove all the stories and still Know God, his ways, his purpose, and our future in Him? My present purpose and devoted bond leads me to repentance and submission that brings Him glory He so very deserves from us all. I pray eyes may see and ears may hear love through the living God. His word is ours to be had, a gift, he is our rock, redeeming love, gracious in all things and patient, kind, not wishing anyone to perish…. Ever.

That does not mean that another person beliefs, thoughts and opinions are not different from this, and I can accept that fully. However, what I believe, have tasted and seen, lived and changed for, depended on, adhered to, all to make my paths the ones that are straight, only with HIS power and help, while accepting all grace and receiving all he wants to give is my life reflecting what the bible says is true through a personal relationship with Christ who died for all my sins that I may live forever, abundantly. My hope, my life, and all the promises literally in the bible, under long and HARSH circumstances, have remained nothing but truth for me for which I would have never learned being independent and not reading stories/sections/topics/chapters/books at a setting/studying all the word as truth. Sometimes, I apologize I didn’t make enough time to read the word, but even He who loves me will reward if I worship him by opening the bible and reading even one small part. I am amazed at how faithful he is. And if I don’t receive, I chose to give to him what he deserves. The act of submission, seeking, leaning on him for all my understanding, admitting I cannot really do anything important for him without him, his love working in me, and growing spiritually as he leads. I can do a lot in my own power. Nothing will stand in the end though because it was not done with his true power of love and wisdom, etc. In fact, miracles have occurred; everyday life with God is a miracle for instance with health issues that challenge every aspect of life and possible death. The bible's truth is real to me in instances of faith that have come true as a result of god's love for me, his care, faithfulness, and true promises~available for anybody as god does not show favoritism. Christ’s example, his life teaching through parables, stories that occurred of his glory and healing, his rising from the dead, prophesy foretold and coming true, to show he was the messiah, that the message of everlasting eternal life and forgiveness of sins was available to all at a huge price. He suffered; he experienced everything we have and more and knows our hurts. He wept. Even He asked God to remove this death, the way, if it would be the Father’s will. I cannot imagine what he bore to free me and all from the bondage of life, sin, and the enemy, having power in his name, a future, a hope, with all the answers in him and his word.

Results of prayer, faith in an outcome, believing in the truth, the word, even when faced with the worse diversity, all because of a personal walk, a choice, maybe to believe even in faith the word is true front to back, continue reading that truth standing on truth and not doubting or be tossed about spiritually ~ that is the joy of my life, my foundation; and there are many tempting alternatives I could and could have easily chosen. I could pick and choose what I like in the bible and discard the rest, see god as I would like to as a loving god that does not judge (although Christ didn’t come to earth to judge). I could make my own image that best fits my life or adopt another way that is ‘good’ and believe that the narrow and wide paths don’t exist. But, I made a choice in faith. And faith has become sight to me as I have written. I had to learn and learn and still learn how to depend on him, believe the word to be true, see it in its context, culturally, soundly, and apply it faithfully to my life while he leads me. This took time and will continue until I see him face to face, a hope that is true and solid and real.

I see him everywhere, interjecting, moving me forward as I remain willing to submit my heart and learn his word, his ways, and walk everlasting until I am face to face. I know some who don't depend on the word as much or at all. But they are willing to be open, pray for the truth, and it seems their lives become more like I think god would have it according to his word every day. Even non-believers, who are open to the truth even though they don’t have control of everything, don’t know or accept the gospel or stories. But if they pray for the truth, and mean it deep in their hearts, the truth will come. And that truth will eventually set them free. But people who practices opposition and chose to make up their own path, or disbelieve god exists, and/or serve satan, have a veil over their eyes, and eventually god will allow them to go their way. Everyone is on a different path based on their choices and his will. And everyone will be face to face one day with god to discuss things, choices, be held accountable for what we did for him to further his kingdom, serve the body, raise our kids, etc. If you believe otherwise, what do you believe? Doubt is not of Him. Doubt is double minded he says, and unstable in all ways. There is a war of the principalities, the word is true. Satan is defeated already, but he will continue to destroy and deceive, just like he did in the stories of the bible. This I know to be true, not only because the word says it, but because God has made the word real to me as I trust him through circumstances only he could collaborate. Any lie that would infiltrate the belief of a brother, a sister, an unknown believer, a non-believer, all comes from the same source, I believe. It is all a counterfeit to the real truth. I don't expect anyone to understand unless they have experienced it or trust in faith and believe the bible to be true and want to know how to live as He intended us to live our lives. I know what it is like to be told Christians are wrong, to be made to believe falsely through various deceptions just small enough to make sense. Discernment grows as the Lord leads, however, when we seek and knock and desire to know truth. If a person really prays for the truth & means it, crying out from their heart, knocking on the door, they will find it as the word says it, and as I have reiterated as it is so important. Putting trust in something or someone you don’t know and are unsure of is really not that hard. It will change your life depending on what or who the trust is in, self? Christ? Buddha? Who? What? The outcome will be the same. Experiencing God’s grace is something that each person has to accept and feel and know to understand it fully, and it becomes more real all the time, and for some it may take time to understand. The more I move toward growth to eternity, the more I feel inadequate and am empty, imperfect, a sinner, like a shell. But he fills me up when I am in his word, delighting in me, loving me, teaching me and rewarding those who seek his face first. He is a jealous God, the one true God who, in all my imperfections, accepts me, offers so much to me he doesn’t have to but does anyway. How blessed are the sons and daughters of the one and only living God? Oh so blessed.

I accepted Christ as my savior in faith, word and all, something I could not see, but I trusted in hope when I could in the very beginning. Then I trusted by faith. Now I just trust and know. I had to build because in the beginning I relied on me. I made things happen. I didn’t trust… but if I took one step forward toward him, and remained receptive, he was there to show his faithfulness and his nature. He is in control and his word is pure, sharp, real and satisfying when nothing else can satisfy deep inside. My world changed forever, year after year. It never ceases to amaze me how much growth has occurred, because of the Word, God’s people, and His orchestration and internal closeness and many other things believe it or not I can’t write it all out here! Ugh (and I know it seems I am trying). Because of the beauty of how the text is put together, years upon years and others not knowing about the others, writing the same events as inspired and controlled by God to make it pure and sure. And how that worked, the bible, works in my life. No one can convince me any different. Maybe no one can stir inside you a different way of looking at things. If I were to offer you one thing, as I stated before, pray for truth and never quit being willing to receive the full truth and believe it is there. And in receiving, accepting, and in accepting become His, hopefully to be a disciple seeing the mysteries of Christ, God, the power of the Holy Spirit in you as a helper when one accepts Christ into their heart, world, and life. The same power that raised people from the dead raised Christ from the dead is manifested in the believer who is willing to allow God to show them their purpose, show them himself in personal living real ways only that person can know it is God. All one has to do is ask to have that personal relationship with the one and only living God. Glorify and praise the one who chooses to impart his grace. The offer of his power to minister, heal, and act in gifts for a good are just one of the benefits and are entwined with the word, stories, instruction and more. People who claimed they couldn’t did. Miracles happened in his power and name. I know the word does not come back void. It is inspired to teach, instruct, lead, counsel, heal, transform, redeem, sanctify. It is real to me.

I have a long life of hope, character, prosperity and a rich heart because of my belief in the word and his promises to me as a believer. I'm a quiet person (sometimes : ). I don't go around telling everyone I see all this or other things He shows me unless led to do so. This is very personal and dear to my heart, my life, something I would never have obtained had I not sought truth in the Word of God. I share it all because I owe my life to it, to God, as He has made me glad. The truth did and does set me, the captive, free! What a feeling. To find peace that no one can know but the person who experiences that supernatural peace, or love, pure joy in the midst of agony sometimes. Just as the Word, not the world, proclaims. I am made new in his image daily until I meet face to face & beyond. I am so thankful & grateful for all the beauty, all the tiny personal things he has done for me, to me, with me, in my family and others I have interceded for, not including all I don't see daily, but including helping through the hardest of change. I attend a bible church by choice. Before that other churches for many years... before that, 'church' not for Jesus and the word of God but because I was drawn to go for some reason, before that other things, the wrong paths I know now. The bible has not always been true for me. It has been true since I accepted in faith, Jesus Christ, as my savior and only way to the father... the only way I am pure as snow to god, just as if I have never sinned (justified), because for me, the Old Testament is true, for I cannot pick and choose what I want to be real and not real. God is real and just in his entirety as said before. All things done to make account for sin before Christ are incredible. God gave people so many chances, he listened, loved, he was present in trouble… all in stories that are real in the Old Testament and New Testament. Never stop learning, growing, seeking until you know deep inside you have Christ in your heart. And one would know… that is for sure, unless the deceiver lives in the life and heart of that person, making them think they are just fine when they are not.

In every instance of my life, my crying, my joy, through discipline, rebellion, giving, grieving, pain, in change and hardheartedness, raising a family, being a friend, being hurt and rejected, or forgiving and broken... I am what I am because of my savior and what was written in the bible, the one and only who has always been there in truth for me through His word. When I did not know what he was like, I learned in the bible then through personal reality with a firm foundation. And he never lets me down. I desire to serve and display truth, because the truth has set me free. I repeat this again, as I only want others to be free also. No one can force that. It has to be a willing thing, just to know the full truth & admit we will always be learning more, never reaching a final test here on earth, remaining humble and broken inside, vulnerable, while continuing to unravel the mysteries of the Christ. Some will never find... never have a veil removed, never get on the narrow path leading to eternal life. The only powers over that are God's and Satan, good and evil, can't serve one and the other, can't be lukewarm either, and ultimately God has power of satan and in the end he is already defeated no matter what anyone believes. God's work through me as I try and serve him and be like Christ, clothed as is if Christ is on and in me, even hidden in Him, and be willing to share my thoughts, testimony, discuss, question, intercede, and be among some who are willing to listen or at least acknowledge, there may be a different way. Even if they do not, I will always, more each year, share my hope, salvation, testimony, and faith, as well as solid application and trust in God's word as I continue to learn & live.

I haven't always understood the bible, but because it is God's word, I challenged, asked questions, even debated before becoming a Christian. God knows all hearts, what we believe, where we are at in our life, what we know, our hurts, fears, objections, disagreements, and reality... I accept that as meaning everyone does not believe or trust the same thing, the same path. It's ok. I love science. I have researched much, been a part of research, and have a passion for higher education & gaining wisdom, knowledge, truth. However, education and research, science and knowledge, even spirituality & religion really, cannot all explain my life, my testimony, change, and inheritance with Christ in heaven. Only the bible can. Christ is the one and only light unto my path & through God’s word I know my ultimate destiny, for which I would gladly take now. This is not my life, and I do not love my life, but I love what He is doing in it and where it is headed, even through the most difficult times. And only my desire for wisdom and the truth will continue to light my path... that is the word of the Living God in me. And that is the gift no one can take away and I am happy to share. Forever, even for death. I wanted to share my hope in God, his word in the entire bible & how it has molded me, my life, and reality, in a very personal way today & in the past. If you made it this far, thank you for reading my thoughts and heart about the bible and all it has done as my Lords living tool to change, guide, and teach in the present, past and future. Equipping saints, harvesting a new believer, encouraging someone, sharing or educating, anything God would have me do, taking out the trash when able, singing worship, praying with and for others, for so much…? Who knows : ) and who have I but HIM. If it starts there, it ends well. I just know I have reached a place in my life when I saw the comment I had to reply. Just didn’t realize all the themes, would reoccur. Although I know with all my heart the depth of gratitude I have to the one and only living God for using his word to change me, mold me, and bring life to my soul. May HIS work and will be done in our lives I pray in Jesus name, amen.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


I haven't got far yet with this site accept to begin to get it set up and going, sharing more personal spiriatual views, experiences, & life for me based on my events, path, and tremendous faith God has blessed me with. For he has been there, faithful, for a long time, throug...h so many huge walls and obstacles. His promises ring true, proven to me in his word, the bible, among so much more through experiences. I am open to any thoughts, disagreements, questions... I take the bible literally due to what I have learned and experienced, and how we have one who distorts and counterfeits God's truth. Will you please look, taking a risk you may not come back, please do. I will not judge. I am so very curious, interested, ready, to share with you, interact; just read what I have written. Comment honestly. I still have so much to share; poems of pain, lonliness to victory and songs of all kinds....This all comes from screaming "where are you God" to knowing without a doubt, God is there always for my good, over the years, developing that personal special relationship with the Lord. So much to learn, change, and all you have to do is seek "truth" and maybe you will be surprised about some things in life; maybe you already are and can encourage others with me... Leading to "Growth Toward Eternitiy." When it comes down to it, what will you be able to look back on, not just good deeds, but things others don't see such as character, good works in private, love, or will it be a paycheck, running, missing time with kids, family, God, self, who knows............ it's just a request. Thank you. I appreciate you reading this far sooooo very much. Your Friend, Michell~

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It's not About Me

It's all about Him~ Whatever God wants me to be, that is what I work toward. I am imperfect, but an overcomer of much, failing often in what I work to be like, more like Christ. I don't give up trust in the Lord, His Word & Faithfulness to complete a good work in me, rather I use the gifts He has given me for His glory & He manifests fruit of the Spirit as I sew seed to be reaped. I love discovering the Bible's mystery through a developed personal relationship, leading me in all I do, as I remain willing, trusting & lean not on my own understanding, being anxious for nothing through only His peace. I am a warrior against adversity, principalities, through scripture, prayer, wisdom, intercession, obedience, & discernment. I try to love, heal, teach, & give, extend grace & mercy for I have received these free gifts from Him, which no one can take away. I see myself as a shell, like an empty locust shell but when filled with God's power, the Holy Spirit, a promise of our inheritence as heirs & children of God, I am alive, strong, & ready to do whatever He leads me to accomplish, watching and feeling every moment, as even the slightest things matter to Him. So I listen, see, wear my spiritual armor, carry truth & kindness as a necklace bound around my neck, seek His Wisdom, more precious than jewels, & try to keep my head above water while caring for my family, self, others~dealing with possible life threatening &/or physically & cognitively disabling diseases, worsening & challenging me greatly every year.

A personal walk with Jesus Christ & experiencing promises come true over & over is stability.  I am a servent & would gladly step into eternity if He asked, but until then, it's growth toward eternity.You may accept Jesus in your heart... A savior who paid the debt, not to be bound by the old law, unforgiven, lost, & missing out on your purpose for life, but with freedom to find life, truth, everlasting connection to God, where you may enter His presense boldly, pure as white snow. Because of Jesus'gift of grace through God sending His Son to earth, a perfect human with no judgement or sin to make all just as if they never sinned~justified, set apart~sanctified, redeemed to spend forever with Him in Heaven. He sees only perfection through the wall of Jesus Christ, a living sacrifice. His death on the cross, for anyone to choose, is grace, a free gift.  He knitted you in your mother's womb with a purpose, an ordained path we all have the challenge to find & follow. Seek & you will find, the door will open to a hope & future, forgiven, with an abundant, meaningful life that satisfies the soul forever will be yours.

If you accept Christ as your personal savior today, it is important to find fellowship to help mold & direct you as you do have an adversary you may not know who seeks to destroy & so protection & guidance are needed, a good study bible, & a bible church to teach the Word of God, inspired by Him, real, all of it, even if understanding is not there, it will come. Most of what I spoke here is the Word, as it never comes back void. You may have many questions. A "bible church" is a great place to find, or something very similar as the scripture brings life, truth, & is like a double-edged sword that penetrates marrow & searches the heart of all, knows the heart, & the Holy Spirit knows what you need better than yourself, so pray for direction & find a place, people, reach out & discover your new life. Don't be disappointed if you see a bunch of imperfect people (we all are), but be cautious, as not everyone is on the same path, the narrow one, growing toward eternity. The wide path that everyone else is on leads to destruction, it is easy, fun, & feeds the flesh. But I am not here to judge, criticize, or point out negativities of others, as we are all on a different part of our "walk" with the Lord, & we are all differnt parts of "the body" of Christ with different purposes to discover.

Getting Started

Well I placed some of the things about me into the categories Blogger asked for.  I am working on the site, have a lot to say, but right now I am creating which is fun for me.  I am trying to get the header/Title to go accross so the words are not cut up as they are now, going down the left side of the page. 

I am very new to blogging, even following or reading blogs.  As a mater of fact, I didn't understand or know what a blog was until this year!!!  And I consider myselft "up" on computer stuff or at least did, until I discovered Facebook.  I suppose I have "blogged" too much on Facebook.  I used to know HTML very well, so I have to brush up on that.

So for whoever or no one, or for myself, thank you for patience while I move forward with time allowing, to make this my site for special things to come, at least to me.  I read another person's blogging and I feel so much the same way about so many things.  I have been writing them down, the "blogs" that now I will be sharing for some reason.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

~newly developing site~

Please allow some time for me to post some blogs. 
Thank you for visiting.